NB All names of torpedo boats had been removed in 1910.
110t Class
Complement 20 Displacement 115t
Cobra Class Complement
21 Displacement 115t (except
where stated otherwise)
Schichau Class Complement 16 Displacement 78-80t
Asterisked vessels had been converted to minesweepers
in 1911-13. All other Schichau class vessels were converted to minesweepers
in 1916-18.
Ex Navy Torpedo Boats used by the Army
Suffixes for high seas torpedo boats (nos. 50 to 100)
were derived from their place of manufacture, that is, the location of
the head office of the constructer:
E England
Yarrow at Poplar, London
T Triest Stabilimento
Tecnico Triestino
F Fiume Ganz
and Danubius
M Monfalcone
Cantiere Naval Triestino
and were carried until 21 May 1917.
Kaiman Class
Complement 31 Displacement 209-211t
250t Class (T) Complement
39 Displacement 262t
250t Class (F) Complement 38
Displacement 266t
The members of this class were laid down at Porto Rè
or Bergudi but moved to Pola, Fiume or Novigrad before or at the outbreak
of hostilities with Italy for completion
250t Class (M) Complement 38
Displacement 270t
The high seas torpedo boats were the most extensively used vessels of the Kriegsmarine. Their regular duties included:
- convoy duties
- escort duties
- minelaying
- mineseeking
- reconnaissance duties
- searching for enemy submarines
- supporting air attacks against Italian targets