a) Flotilla Hospital Ships

Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand 1913 22 Mar 1917
ex-DDSG. Requisitioned as replacement for Kulpa. 03 Apr 1917 arrived at Harsova from Budapest. 10 May 1917 at Braila. 06 Nov 1918 from Budapest to Wien with Austrian members of the Donau flottilla. Returned to DDSG in Austria. Renamed Johann Strauss. 08 Jan 1945 sunk by Allied bombs in Linz harbour. Her engine was recovered and mounted in the hull of Grein, ex-Carl Ludwig, and the hybrid ship misleadingly christened Johann Strauss. Now a restaurant in Wien.

Kulpa 1868 26 Jul 1914
ex-DDSG. 01 Mar 1915 transferred to Novi Sad. 17/18 Mar 1917 to Turn-Severin. 07 Apr 1917 from Harsova to Budapest. Returned to owners 18 April 1917. 1924 b/u.

Traisen 1884 26 Jul 1914
ex-DDSG at Brcko on Sava. 15/16 Aug 1914 took wounded on board at Sabac. Returned to owners 09 Feb 1916. End of 1918 in Serbia. Renamed Bosna. 1960 b/u in Belgrade.

b) Hospital Ships Of The Feldtransportleitung Nr 4 And The Zentraltransportleitung Of The Army
Elisabeth 1854
ex-DDSG. To Yugoslavia as Kralj Petar I. 1930 b/u.
Melk 1853
ex-DDSG. Formerly Neptun and Franz Josef I. 1934 b/u.

Sophie 1845
ex-DDSG. Returned to her owners. 1938 renamed Melk (II). 1955 b/u.

Szechnyi 1853
ex-DDSG. Returned to her owners. 1925 b/u.

Zsofia Hercegnö 1914

c) Army Hospital Barges
I     1853 ex-DDSG.

II    1855 ex-DDSG.

III   1853 ex-DDSG. B/u 1950.

IV   1853 ex-DDSG.

V    1889 ex-DDSG.

VI   1889 ex-DDSG.

VII  1889 ex-DDSG.

VIII 1889 ex-DDSG.

IX    1889 ex-DDSG.

X     1889 ex-DDSG.

XI    1890 ex-DDSG.

XII   1889 ex-DDSG.